Jun 30, 2014

What Not to Wear This Summer

10) Crocs

Crocs have never been cool, and they never will be cool. It's bad enough wearing crocs inside you own home, not to mention wearing them in public. They look absolutely hideous. Stay clear people!

9) Black Clothing

Come on people, it's summer! Ladies and Gents, I would stay well clear of the black coshing this summer.. Go for the bright colours! The most popular summer colours are white and red.

8) Dungarees
Very few people can pull of dungarees in the summer. Dungarees should be a definite no go this summer, besides why would you want to dress up like a toddler? Aren't dungarees something toddlers wear?

7) Cruggs
I bet you thought it couldn't get any worse than crocs, well.. It just has! Crocs and Uggs, in one shoe! I have no words for people who will wear these this summer. Please don't do it to yourself.

6) Sunglasses Inside
The general use for sunglasses is to block out the sun when you're outside. For though people who wear sunglasses inside because they think it looks cool, it really does't, just take them off when you're indoors people.

5) Sweatsuits
This one is pretty simple really. Sweatsuits are not cool -  even in the summer. Sweatsuits are still not back in style. Please do not result to wearing these this summer, especially atrocious colours such as neon green.

4) Socks With Sandals
There is no doubt that this combination in very comfy. However, it looks absolutely awful. I would strongly advise you not to wear socks with your sandals, especially white ones.

3) Wearing Leather
We know you look very cool in a leather jacket, but trust me, you won't be feeling very cool in the summer with a leather jacket on. You will end up with lakes under your armpits if you wear a leather jacket in the summer.

2) Tight Jeans
Tight jeans are certainly very popular but I strongly advise you not to wear them in the summer. Not only will they be really hot, they will leave you dripping sweat right the way down your leg. Summer is all about shorts, skirts and dresses.

1) Gray T-Shirts
As a man, there is nothing worse than being told you have sweat patches. If you don't want your sweat patches to be visible, I would strongly advise you not to wear a tray t-shirt on a nice, hot sunny day. It is the worst possible colour you could choose to wear if you want to avoid the embarrassment.


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